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Sharing more about me and my work

Writer's picture: Amie KuoAmie Kuo

I want share with you some of my recent works. Most of my friends only know my family photo session work because that is often what I share online. Without a doubt, family photo session is one of my photo services. However, I also have been doing headshots, portraits, personal branding portraits, and a few events including weddings.

The reason I am focusing more on headshot and personal branding is because our digital identities have become a huge part of our lives. Headshots are our new business cards or logos. Anyone who is entrepreneurial, looking for a new job, or trying to step up his/her online presence needs a good headshot. Even if you just want a profile photo for Facebook or Instagram, having a great headshot or portrait is crucial as it becomes the viewers' first impression of you. Also, most businesses are now checking out their applicants’ social media profiles as part of their hiring process. Getting a headshot/portrait is definitely a good investment.

想和大家分享一些近期的攝影工作。其實很多人都不知道我拍些什麼東西,覺得我就是拍全家福,當然著要原因也是因為自己最常分享的就是自己家人的照片。當然這是我的服務項目之一。最近拍比較多的是 Headshot (肖像、大頭照、形象照 personal branding), Portrait 還有婚禮和活動紀錄。

為什麼會轉移我的主要拍攝方向?關鍵是應映時代的變化。在現今數位化的年代,數位身份在生活裡也佔有更重的角色。某些程度上來說 Headshot 已經成為個人數位名片或標示。獨立工作者類似我自己,有合適的大頭照是相對重要的 。網路上的人看了我的形象照也容易明白我的職業與我的作品風格。這說明了有一個好的頭像,就算只是在 Facebook 或 Instagram 都可以用無文字的方式留下一個好印像,也會間接增加接案機會。因此投資一個合適自己狀態的 Headshot 確實是可以帶領我們開拓更多的市場的不二法門。

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